Below is a letter written to the editor who wrote the article 'Enforcement of dress code creates negative effect' that your blogged about last week. Most of you wrote on your blog that you agreed with the writer. What are your thoughts after reading the letter below and seeing a different perspective. Are they the same? Are the different? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I still agree with Riley's article. While I do think you make a good point, if the school wanted a higher of standard for dress code and wanted to prepare us and have us look "(semi) professional, then make us wear things like CAPS does. Otherwise, you should be allowed to wear whatever you want, respectfully. In college there aren't clothing guidelines unless it's for a specific class. So by making us wear certain things, it is really just making us seem like we are children. Also, your article relates more to the staff who don't really have a problem with the dress code because you are adults and you can't wear some of he things high schoolers can, and also, you are at a job, not a student. So while both articles make good points, I still agree with everything Riley said, and I'm glad it has received a lot of attention.

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