This weekend was so much fun. Friday after the parade the whole volleyball team went to Wamego, Kansas for a tournament. We stayed the night in an awesome hotel, got ice cream, watched moviesw, and then won the tournament the next day! Immediately after we won, the girls going to homecoming (including myself) showered at the school's showers, and drove an hour and a half back home. After getting ready, our dates came over at about 8:30 ish. Our group was me, Haley, Georgia, and then my best friend Carly who came from a different tournament since she goes to Aquinas. My friend Abby did my makeup and helped me get ready. I went with Adam Sargent, and it was so much fun. We ate pizza, took pictures, and then went to the dance which was the best part. We danced like crazy, Carly and I, and had a blast. After the dance we went to our group's after party, but we got bored so we went to a different one that was a lot of fun! Overall it was a pretty fun weekend and I loved every second of it!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Monday, September 29th
Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

Monday, September 22, 2014
Monday, September 22nd
How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!
I had a pretty packed weekend this weekend! Friday night I had practice, went to dinner with my friends Alexis and Abby, and then went on the Wilderness trail and hung out there all night and met up with our friends Patrick and Jared, then got ice cream. Saturday I went dress shopping for my homecoming dress and got it, watched the Mizzou game with my family, went to dinner with Abby, Alexis, and Haley, then went to the talent show with Abby, and then lastly had a bonfire with those girls! Sunday was my mom's birthday so my whole family of 20 people went to the Royals game and tailgated where I got very sunburt, went back to my grandma's house to have dinner and cake, did homework, and then went to practice. Busy busy weekend!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Friday, September 19th
Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.
I think coding is really interesting but it is starting to get pretty hard. Right when I started to understand how to do it, we got into the harder stuff and now I have basically no idea what I'm doing. I like the class in general because it's pretty cool but I wish we spent more time practicing and learning how to code, rather than just being told to go onto Code Academy and figure it out ourselves.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Wednesday, September 17th
What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.
It is very important to meet deadlines because in the real world, you don't get unlimited chances like you do in high school. If you don't meet your deadline, then you're done. I have had many times in high school where I haven't met deadlines with homework, and lat year it caused me to end up with a C in the class because of one take-home test that I didn't turn in on time. So meeting deadlines is very important.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Tuesday, September 16th
Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.
This quote honestly applies to me in a lot of situations. I rarely study for tests, so pretty much every test I don't prepare for I am setting myself up to fail. I am pretty good at winging things but I do need to prepare more because I do fail or not do well on a lot of things because I don't prepare correctly.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Monday, September 15th
What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!
I did a lot of stuff over the weekend! Friday night I went to the football game with my friends, which was a blast. I hung out with some volleyball girls during and after the game as well. Saturday our volleyball team had a tournament at LSW (MoKan) and got 3rd place, which is the best our school has ever done! Saturday night I hungout with my friend on the team named Abby, and we watched movies and just chilled. Sunday I spent all day shopping for homecoming dresses with my friends also on the volleyball team Abby and Haley. I found a dress I like, but it was really expensive, so I am going to go shopping again this week. It was a pretty fun weekend I'd say!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Wednesday, September 10th
What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.

I think this quote is very interesting. I do agree with it for the most part about how there is so much you can explore and endless things to do, But these days, it's nearly impossible to go do whatever you want without your parents nagging about it or just flat out saying no. I think we should be able to go out and do whatever we want, explore the unknown, find out new things everyday. But we say "we're bored" because we don't have the freedom to not be bored. I do listen when people say things like "how can you be bored there is so many things to do in this world!", but what is the likelihood that we will even be allowed to explore or get out of boredom? So this quote makes me a little mad and I think it is pretty unrealistic.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Tuesday, September 9th
How do you express creativity? Explain.

One way that I express creativity is by creating canvases. I love to paint canvases for other people and seeing their reactions when I give them to people. I usually go on Pinterest and search canvas ideas for a while, and when I see one that relates to somebody I know I just tr to recreate it and add my own touches to it! I also make them for other people as a job sort of, and get paid on the occasion. Whether I'm getting paid or not, it is really fun and it is a stress reliever as well. I like o be creative sometimes and making canvases is really the only time I am!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Monday, September 8th
What did you do this weekend?
This weekend, I did many fun things! Friday night I went to the football game against SMNW, and it was so much fun. I went with my two friends Haley and Alexis, and on the way I got a flat tire which made us late for the game. We left afterwards and went to hangout with a bunch of other people at McDonald's and then went a drove around after that! Saturday I worked the freshman volleyball tournament, hung out with my friend Tatum, and went shopping all day with my grandparents. I got a new phone and a bunch of clothes. Then I hung out with my basically little sister Brooke. Sunday my friend Carly and I went to my brothers football game, then went to get ice cream, went to our friend Gunner's house, got dinner, and then studied for a while! Lastly, I had practice Sunday night. So it was a pretty fun weekend!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Friday, September 5th
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Wednesday, September 3rd
Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?
I have learned how to do HTML coding and how to create a website. Yes I have learned a lot. I never thought I would be able to create my own websites based on codes. I am excited to learn more because I think it's really interesting and a good skill to have in the future. I want to be able to be a master coder and website builder by the end of this semester!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Tuesday, September 2nd
Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!
Over Labor Day weekend, I did a lot of fun things! Friday night after practice a few girls from the team and I went to the KU vs Lipscomb volleyball game in Lawrence. We got to see a former teammate "play", an got to talk to her afterwards which was nice since we hadn't seen her in so long! I had a volleyball game Saturday night and even though we lost, it was still a good time. I was really mad and still am but it can hopefully only get better from here! I also hung out with my friends a lot this weekend and had a really great time with some of them! Lastly, I had a big Labor Day lunch with my family at my grandma's house which is tradition, and we had hot dogs (my favorite food), chicken, brownies, and so much more! Overall it was a pretty good weekend.
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